We are a proud AWS Advanced Partner consistently delivering quality and value in partnership with AWS
Our Cloud Migration capability supports customer migration to AWS including assessments, migration and modernisation to cloud native and micro service architectures.
As Retail Competency Partners we have vast experience of delivering success on AWS for our retail customers.
Our AWS Cloud Consulting services include Cloud Migration, Cloud Operations and Cloud Rocket, our DevOps adoption and automation service.
We ensure customers successfully move to the cloud, modernise and innovate to deliver business value
Our digital engineering services modernise your application landscape in the AWS Cloud. We provide a minimal disruption high value path to modernisation.
Deliver your technology future with a partner you can trust
Dae.mn are AWS Retail Competency Partners, we understand how the AWS Cloud can revolutionise the retail experience.
We’ve taken groceries out of on-premise and into the cloud for a top supermarket, a game changer for cost and agility
We migrate business critical systems and entire data centres to the AWS Cloud, helping our customers to reduce cost, gain agility and flexibility
We carry out a migration assessment identifying the migration scope and systems. Creation of an AWS TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) model and high level migration approach. We use discovery tools to carry out the assessment such as Cloudamize and AWS Application Discover Service
Pilot allows us to run short proof of concepts with selected pilot applications to prove that the high level approach is feasible. It also allows us to provide input into the AWS mobilise phase and detailed planning.
Readying the organisation for AWS Cloud migration, implementation of required capabilities and tooling. AWS Mobilise includes formation of the migration factory and finalisation of the migration candidates and plan.
Migration to AWS includes build & replication of systems, data migration, testing and cutover. Migration strategies include modernising, implementing DevOps approaches and adopting AWS platforms such as RDS, EKS and Serverless technologies.
Moving to the Cloud is no longer just about cost but needs to be carefully considered along with other strategic business decisions.
Public Cloud is instantly accessible, consumption based Operational Expenditure, and a modern, agile IT platform that bodes well for the future.
Discover how AI and image recognition technologies can help UK retailers prevent fraud, reduce the risk of self-checkout scams and power digital innovation.
Next generation AI forecasting tools promise to help you see into the future, but there are some things you need to know to get the most from them.